First off this films starts with a gaggle of diverse stereotypes who have been lumped together for the mere fact of being picked off one by by. Close your eyes and make your list of people to die and I am sure it will perfectly match the cast of Hack! the Jock, Gay guy, Virgin, slut and the Prude girl please don't forget the token black dude still makes the rounds even if you thought it stooped to new lows with the remake of Friday the 13th, the black guy has a lame death just like every person who adds to the death count, dying at the hands of a clown with a mallet??? fuck I every got of my ass to make a film, it would not be chock filled with 90 minutes of quotes and kills you seen elsewhere and yes some would consider this a "love letter" to horror, you just can't call a teacher Argento in your film and think this is your pass into the hearts of fan of horror.
All the familiar faces in this film, including Burt Young aka Paulie from the Rocky series and yes its been a long time from his classic birthday party from Rocky 4 in which Paulie gets a robot that sings his happy birthday. The Lady who spent her time playing a vampire on Buffy the series does not fair much better, seeing her play a horror fan killing in real life in order to make a horror film is about as real when I was younger hearing people talking about "punk rock" and I was subjected to these morons bastards blather on about the Sex Pistols, like the time a fruitcake with a mohawk talked about being the Captain of a wrestling team in high school while living in LA.
While it is true I don't doubt the fact that Matt Flynn is a lover of horror, but to have a rapid fire exercise in trying to prove you know your horror history, while your at it save your breath that Led Zeppelin is the best metal band ever. I promise to fight anyone on this fact because in my round about way I was pissed that Hack! included Hannibal Lecter as the best killer was ever on the list of favorite killers, this is just other one of the offenses that I called foul on this entire movie.
Any jerk within five minutes can play a power chord but that does not earn you a spot in the rock and roll hall of fame, same goes for the quote spouters who get a camera and skates by without adding anything new to a film. What I saying is Ever find yourself watching a Tarentino film and enjoying it and then there is a fail of a scene, like a third of Inglorious Basterds is just cringe worthy for the fact you know what is being attempted but just can't translate to an awesome scene. Pink flamingos is another case of Film at its finest of Filth and just how far a film can challenge a viewer and not come across a lame attempt in shock value. Pink Flamingos is is perfect in showing Divine being the filthiest person in America and proving to Connie and Ray Marble that even if their love goes deeper than hair color and Filthiness, you just can't Fuck with Divine! and no offense to John waters, the man is legend in forging his own path in Cinema history, but to hand the torch to John Travolta to fill Divine's Big High Heels is just a watered down joke and it's ok to make movie for profit but for John Waters to go from High art dragged though sleaze only to go to goofy throwbacks with far less raunchy acts.

Do me a favor and pester people you know to avoid remakes and just shit in general, and if you are apart for pop culture just because you don't watch the latest Pixar shit with it's two creatures that go on a quest and learn a lesson in friendship along the way only to segue way into a uplifting song, I know someone reads this besides Unholy Moly and I. I also have say it's been a while seen Ive done this but there is a point to it all.
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