The first ten minutes are spend establishing how she is very gung ho about going to the project that her black friend was just terrified of and her friend had screen time unless glued to Virgina Madsen hip. As you get past a project of hollowed out, spray paint cover and young thugs in windbreaker jackets. You meet a Woman with two children and no dad. At this point, I could not decide if its more racist than Downtown(Anthony Edwards white cop gets hip film). This is heavy handed trash by Clive Barker about the moral of this film is dating outside your race will get you killed. None of the characters in this film are likable and I found so many problems in having a film about a White broad stirs up trouble and just gets people dead.
Wrap up, its poor stereotypes set against Villian??? Candyman was put to death for seducing a white woman, now how does this guy get turned into a Black Freddy Krueger? Freddy was a child Molester and Candyman was victim of Caveman ignorance hardly making him a killer than a tragic figure.
This is no redemption for a shitball of a film and I have a rule, if it would be in Fangoria chances are I would not like it. Watching this I just ended up frustrated and a little rantish.
i agree with you 100% but Tony Todd fucking rules
Okay, I never thought of Candyman that way before. A very interesting point. The whole questionable race morality thing in the film just never crossed my mind. I just always assumed that the film was saying that the (white) world is evil and that tolerance could have stopped all the horror from happening in the first place. I guess that makes me an optimist.
That being said, I can't believe you didn't like this film! It's sleazy, trashy and gory. This is right around the time period when horror movies got really, really bad. I've always considered Candyman one of the shining lights of the 90s.
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